Aku duk webhoping arini, tibe2 came across 1 artikel from http://www.thecatzine.com.
Teringat kat kodi dan tompok masa kecik. Kodi sakit xlarat nak bgn pun. Tompok duk teman dia kat sebelah, sambil jilat2 abang dia tu. Sampaila esoknye tompok pun jatuh sakit yang sama macam kodi. Pas sehari dua diorg sembuh sesama....
Skrg diorg berdua jaga adik2 yg 3 ekor tu. Main sama2, makan sama2, tido sama2....
Manusia pun lum tentu leh jadi sebaik tu
Aku amik dr net tu...
Below, I listed 10 reasons why “two kittens are better than one”:
1. You’re saving two lives instead of one.
2. One kitten can become lonely.
kitten need friends to play and grow together.
3. One kitten can just make an older cat mad.
kitten will always want to play with an older cat, sometimes older cat do not want to be disturb, so your one kitten will make your older cat day miserable.
4. Two kittens will “self-train.”
Kittens learn by copying. If one kitten is quick to learn appropriate litter box use, the other will be likely to copy. They also help each other with grooming; wash up after meals soon becomes a ritual with two kittens.
5. They help each other burn off energy.
6. Fewer behavior problems with two kittens.
Much like their human counterparts, kittens sometimes misbehave because “negative attention is better than no attention.”
7. Curiosity overcomes “food finickyness.”
One kitten will become the leader, and another one will follow. When you serve a new food, one will come first and try, and another one will come later. They need each other.
8. They act as pillows for one another.
2 or more kittens will always sleep with other, and make one another as a pillow. Imagine it you only have 1 lonely cat, he will be really sad.
9. Having two kittens is insanely fun.
10. They will each have a friend for life.
Two kittens who grow up together will almost always be lifelong friends. Although they will sometimes have their little squabbles, you will more often see them engaging in mutual grooming, playing together, and sleeping with their best pal.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
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1 comment:
Hi. Thanks for dropping by at The Cat Zine.
Bagus lah, kamu dapat guna kan artikel itu sebagai bahan rujukan :)
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